TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Gets A Well-Meaning Trailer

Okay everybody, let’s do this dance again.

Too many Terminator movies. Commerce just won’t leave this series alone, even when commerce kind of isn’t on its side anymore. For me, the proof was watching this trailer and trying to will myself into forgetting Terminator: Genisys exysts.

Here, check it out for yourself and make up your own minds:

Still no idea what Arnold is up to here, but the idea seems to be a redo of part one with different players aided by old versions of players that first film. To be fair, I’m not kicking that out of bed just because I didn’t ask for this film in the first place. It could be cool.

But then, I don’t know why the new liquid metal guy is now all kool black metal. The airplane stuff just seems arbitrarily big when the only real attraction here is a back-to-basics approach. The cover of Bjork’s "The Hunter" - not slowed down for drama because that song is already slowed down to begin with - shows a real lack of imagination.

You can latch on to the good here, but there are a lot of bad indicators to go with it.

I guess we’ll all have to see what’s what when this movie arrives November. I was hoping a good trailer would change my mind on this, but I’m still not there.
