Here’s 26 Minutes Of Gorgeous JEDI: FALLEN ORDER Footage

Yes, we will play this game.

Following quite a bit of buzz at this year's E3, the folks over at EA just released twenty-six minutes' worth of footage from Jedi: Fallen Order (aka The One That Looks Like Uncharted, But Star Wars). To absolutely no one's surprise, the game looks utterly gorgeous, filled with details that'll make any Star Wars fan happy and packed with gameplay that looks, to our eyes, quite enjoyable.

See if you don't agree.

For those who haven't been paying attention, Jedi: Fallen Order revolves around a character named Cal Kestis, a Padawan who managed to escape execution at the hands of the Empire during that whole "Order 66" debacle (see also: Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith). Players will have to complete their Jedi training while on the run from the insidious Imperial Inquisitors, who are probably very upset to learn of Cal's survival. 

The gameplay's obviously reminiscent of the Uncharted series, but those who've played through it have also pointed out similarities to Metroid and Dark Souls, two games whose exquisite level design are never invoked lightly. In between the beautiful visuals, the comparisons to other classic titles, and our enduring nerdiness for the Star Wars franchise, this one has all the symptoms of a day one purchase (which is to say: we'll probably see what the reviews are like before pulling the trigger, but we're very hyped). 

Jedi: Fallen Order hits Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 15th. You gonna give it a shot? Sound off in the comments below.
