SDCC 2019: Russo Bros. Reveal What Captain America Did After Returning ENDGAME’s Infinity Stones

Huge if true.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame.

As you know, SDCC is now fully underway, which means we're going to spend the next three days positively awash in exciting updates, new trailers, exclusive poster reveals, and maybe even a few bombshell announcements. We expected one or more of these things to occur during the heavily promoted Hall H panel featuring a Q&A with Avengers: Endgame directors the Russo Bros., and it looks like said panel is already heating up.

You'll recall that, in one of Endgame's final sequences, Chris Evans' Captain America traveled back in time to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful places in the timeline prior to the events of Endgame. This left some fans wondering what Cap did after putting all those Stones back. We know he ended up with Peggy Carter, but what happened in between those two events?

Today, the truth can be told:

So, bombshell announcement from the Russos here.

Not only does this suggest that Captain America does not use the restroom as often as the rest of us, but also that his intestinal walls and/or bladder must be made of steel. Of course, this assumes Cap spent a great deal of time hopping between points in the MCU timeline to return said Stones (remember: Cap's experiencing those time jumps in real time, not instantly), but that's purely speculation on our part. Perhaps this is a narrative thread that can be explored in some future Captain America sequel, or on one of the many MCU series currently being planned for the Disney+ streaming service. Time will tell! 

What else will be revealed during the Russo Bros.' Hall H panel? Stay tuned for further important updates as they roll in. 
