SDCC 2019: The PICARD Trailer Is Here And It’s Incredible


Holy smokes. I JUST wrote a post about all the great things we have to look forward to from Picard just in case the trailer didn’t hit. And then, guess what. The trailer hit and it’s wonderful. Check it out:

So the plot appears to revolve around a young girl Picard feels he needs to save. Whether she has Adamantium claws and a healing power remains to be seen. She does seem to be related to the Borg somehow.

Given the info we got from the panel, I figured we’d see more Data in this trailer, but that’s okay. Plenty of Data to go around when the show hits, I’m sure. (UPDATE: I'm seeing people speculate that this is actually B-4 from Nemesis. Could be, it's been way too long since I saw that film. That would be interesting but also kind of sad.) 

Actually I’m not sure. Picard has a new crew in this one, and that might not leave room for more than a cameo. As you can tell, I’m only speculating and have no real idea what I’m talking about. Buy hey, it's fun to speculate!

All I really know is that this show can’t come to us fast enough. I am so so so pumped for this.
