THE AERONAUTS Trailer Puts Two Earnest Goofballs In A Hot Air Balloon

This might be just the right amount of silly.

I’ve never been in a hot air balloon. My fear is that as soon as you get high enough to die, some pissed off bird is going to fly a hole right through the thing out of spite and down you go. I never considered a fear of having to climb the damn thing mid-flight. Now, thanks to the first trailer for The Aeronauts, it’s all I can think about.

As you can see, The Aeronauts is a delightfully earnest adventure tale about two outsiders - Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones - who take a hot air balloon high above the ground to get their asses kicked around by some weather. All in the same of science, of course.

I have to admit, I like it when a movie is so nerdy it flies beyond caring about any cynical take I can throw at it. This is one of those movies. Yes, it looks a little silly. And yes, they are going to throw every life-threatening hot air balloon scenario they can at us. But I don’t know, maybe it’s fun to relax and just be entertained by a movie that is all-cheese?

We’ll find out when the film hits theaters December 6. If you don’t want to leave your house, it’ll hit Amazon Prime December 20. If you want to leave the house but can’t wait until December, you can see it when it plays TIFF.
