The Movie Trailer Mashup Of The Year Has Arrived

Welcome to the best six minutes you're gonna have all day.

Frequent readers of the site know we've maintained a few traditions over the years, and today brings about one of my absolute favorites: Louis Plamondon's year-end Movie Trailer Mashup. We've run one of these every December for the past few years, and each one is always a goddamn delight. These videos function almost like movie trailer yearbooks, walking us back through alllll the films we saw over the twelve previous months while juxtaposing them in interesting and unexpected ways. 

This year's is no exception, and may be Plamondon's best yet.

Seeing as how we've been running Plamondon's mashups for several years (here's the 2018 edition, if you'd like to take a recent look back), it seemed prudent to have him offer up a quote on the work he's been doing. Here's what he told me:

"I've been doing these mashups for ten years in a row as a hobby. It takes the entire month of November to put together properly and it's like a puzzle to solve every year. Once I select my music tracks, the goal is to make the connection between the audio and video as strong as possible and reunite what all these movies have in common. I will sit down and watch up to 500 trailers using the worldwide box-office results as reference and breakdown visuals that I find appealing. Sometimes all a movie has to offer is one shot, one line, as long as it helps me progress towards the bigger feel of the edit. I love revisiting some of these overlooked films that were often the victims of an overcrowded marketplace. The Sun is Also a Star was a modest WB release that got buried by Avengers: Endgame back in early May, so much so that I had never ever heard of it. But making a mashup like this allowed me to give it the proper attention it deserved and make sure it got its moment."

You can follow Plamondon on Twitter via this link, and you can meet us back here in December of 2020 for the next installment of his outstanding Movie Trailer Mashup series. Stay tuned.
