Get Creeped Out By The First Trailer For THE WITCH

We've been waiting on this one for a long time.

Around these parts, we've been getting hyped for Robert Eggers' The Witch since the end of January, when Devin returned from Sundance raving about the film. Everything he said about The Witch sounded right up our alley ("elegantly chilling", he said; "Intoxicatingly detailed and deeply unsettling", he said; "The Witch will make you love the Devil", he said*), and we've been waiting patiently for a trailer ever since.

This morning, it finally arrived, and...holy shit, you guys.

This. Looks. Incredible. I love everything about it. The palpable dread. How tactile everything is. The confidence on display (does this look like someone's first movie to you?). That brief glimpse we get of the Witch's foot as she steps into the doorway of her hovel. The one and only Black Phillip! I am so onboard with everything going on here, which makes it all the more heartbreaking that the film's been bumped to 2016. But whatcanyado?

Hope that the good folks at A24 are bringing The Witch to Fantastic Fest this year, that's what.**

Anyway, here's the film's official synopsis:

A devoutly Christian family in 1630's New England, struggles to survive living along the edge of a vast wilderness. When one of their five children goes missing and their life-sustaining crops fail, they fall victim to paranoia and fear as they begin to turn on one another. The decimation of their family unit creates an opportunity for incredible evil to emerge and attempt to destroy them all.

The Witch opens sometime in 2016. It cannot get here quickly enough.

* = To the A24 marketing department: I humbly submit that you dropped the ball not including this particular pull-quote in your trailer.

** = Seriously, folks: bring your movie to Fantastic Fest. You won't find a better audience.
