We’re Already Sold On ANTLERS But Here’s Another Trailer, Anyway

Ominous things are afoot in Oregon. Even moreso than usual.

The very first teaser for Scott Cooper's Antlers (written by Cooper, C. Henry Chaisson and Nick Antosca, based on a short story from the latter) arrived all the way back in August, and we were sold on the film pretty much right then and there. Foreboding forests? An unspeakable creature living in a dilapidated house? Guillermo del Toro onboard as a producer? What's not to be sold on?

Then, in October, we got a second Antlers trailer. It, too, promised a film that looked very much up our alley

Now it's December, and Antlers is just a few months away (it'll be here in April). I suppose we could watch this third trailer if we really wanted to - and we do kinda want to, considering how much we liked the previous ones - but I think I'm gonna hold off. The first two came right up to the line of "Revealing Too Much", and on the off-chance that this one stomps right over that line, I'd prefer to go in unspoiled.

You, however, are free to do whatever you'd like.

This is the third and, according to the email we just received, final trailer for Antlers. By this point you should already know if you're in for Cooper's latest, but maybe if you've been on the fence this'll be the one that finally makes the decision for you. Certainly seems like a film the BMD readership would get behind, but then again, tastes have become difficult to predict anymore. 

We know where we stand, but how 'bout y'all? You gonna show up for Antlers when it hits theaters on April 17th? Gonna wait for it to hit streaming? Sound off in the comments below, and do let us know if the trailer above isn't spoilery (if so, we might consider giving it a watch). Stay tuned for further Antlers updates if and when they become available.
