JACKASS Will Return In 2021

OK but who's actually gonna be in this thing?

Yesterday evening, The Wrap broke an interesting story: Paramount was bringing Jackass back to theaters, with a release date of March 5th, 2021 already on the books. That post was quickly followed by a similar report over at Deadline, one which shared the same basic facts: Paramount was putting Jackass in theaters in March of 2021.

Neither report offered any further information. No mention of who'll be starring. No mention of a director (series vet Jeff Tremaine has helmed previous installments in the Jackass franchise). No mention of why this film, which would technically be the fourth Jackass movie (following Jackass: The Movie, Jackass: Number Two and Jackass 3D) was simply being called Jackass.

Maybe we're being paranoid, but something here seems amiss. We have a date for a Jackass movie (which bucks the naming convention established by previous films in this franchise), but no idea if any members of the show's original cast are coming back? And no idea if Tremaine's directing? Why would we have a release date, but not that information? It's not enough to get us to raise an alarm, perhaps, but it is enough to give us a pause. 

As of this writing, we're cautiously optimistic about another Jackass movie (we love Jackass, and wish to see more of it), but until we've received official confirmation that the original gang will be back - and not, say, replaced by a team of goofy YouTube all-stars (with infrequent cameo appearances from Johnny Knoxville, who, it's worth noting, has yet to mention this film on social media channels) - we're gonna hold off on celebrating. Fingers crossed that's not what's happening here! 

Stay tuned for further updates on Jackass as they roll in.
