Things Are Not Looking Great For The Future Of MINDHUNTER

Let's all take deep breaths, we can get through this.

Last night, Deadline revealed a bit of bad news regarding Netflix's Mindhunter: apparently, Netflix has let the options on all its cast members (up to and including Anna Torv, Jonathan Groff, and Holt McCallany) expire, and currently has the show's third season on indefinite hold. One might look at that as an admission of defeat - that, indeed, we have seen the end of David Fincher's critically-adored series - but Netflix says not so fast:

“David is focused on directing his first Netflix film Mank and on producing the second season of Love, Death and Robots. He may revisit Mindhunter again in the future, but in the meantime felt it wasn’t fair to the actors to hold them from seeking other work while he was exploring new work of his own.”

Are they telling the truth here? Maybe! Could also be that they're just soft-pedaling the situation for the time being, perhaps in an effort to stave off the inevitable outcry from fans (It's worth noting that, over at The Playlist, the reliable Rodrigo Perez is saying he's heard for months that "Mindhunter is over and David Fincher got a little exhausted with a very lengthy shoot on location away from home"). 

Is it possible Mindhunter will come back? Sure, we don't see why not. You'd need to re-clear the schedules of all involved, and Fincher would have to express interest after completing his duties on Love, Death and Robots S2 and Mank, but it could be done. Last night, the BMD crew was positively shook to hear about this situation, but now - in the cold light of day - I think it might be prudent to hold off on any wailing or gnashing of teeth. You never know how these things are gonna turn out.

At any rate, if it truly is the end for Mindhunter, we'll be very sad about it. Let's hope they find the time to bring it back for a third season somewhere up the road. Keep those fingers crossed, gang!
