The Rock Claims HOBBS & SHAW 2 Is In Development, As If New Movies Will Ever Exist Again

Maybe they will fight the Coronavirus itself.

In this time of crisis, I said I would keep posting news stories as they come in. It was supposed to be a nice-sounding but empty promise since I didn’t expect any news stories to come in. I did not count on The Rock.

Apparently, Dwayne Johnson recently did a live Q&A on Instagram, during which, he confirmed that HOBBS & SHAW 2 is in development, just waiting to get a creative team together and figure out which way they want to go with it, which doesn’t sound that developed yet at all.

I think this means he really wants to do another movie, more than it means they are currently doing work to get it going. Overall, the point is how bizarre it suddenly feels to hear someone discuss future movie making. Inevitably there will be movies again, but since no one knows when we’ll get past this, it is an odd thing to consider so casually. Before Hollywood can start making a whole new slate, it needs to figure out what to do with its already orphaned summer 2020 lineup.

And then I got that regular snark about how much HOBBS & SHAW illustrated the importance of Vin Diesel and his big lug nut heart on this franchise. HOBBS & SHAW had fun moments, but totally lacked the nerdy sincerity of a real F&F film, and felt more like when the bully jock at your school starts listening to your favorite band or something. (Kids, does that still happen?)

In any case, all of Hollywood is halted except for HOBBS & SHAW 2, which should announce its writer and director and support cast any day now.
