Ben Wheatley And Tom Hiddleston To Murder The World With Frank Miller’s HARD BOILED
Bullets. Robot dogs. Potential cinematic bliss.
Bullets. Robot dogs. Potential cinematic bliss.
It's time to go against the tide.
Bonus content from people who aren’t Frank Miller
Prepare yourself for something crazy and likely problematic.
The enormous mystery to finally be solved on screen.
Viewing SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR pretty much demands a reevaluation of 2005's SIN CITY. How does it hold up?
How bad does a sequel have to be to make the original look like a masterpiece?
No, this movie did not already come out.
Believe it or not James Mangold's THE WOLVERINE is pretty good.
Expect grim, gritty, Frank Miller style action.
Hate the artist, love the art.