Collins’ Crypt: It Wasn’t The End, But FINAL CHAPTER *Was* The Best
Jason returned eight more times after his Final Chapter, but never as effectively.
Jason returned eight more times after his Final Chapter, but never as effectively.
We chat with the director behind the crowd pleasing FRIDAY THE 13TH fan film.
Bonus: BC will moderate a Q&A with the horror icon after the film!
And, oh hey, you can watch it right now.
Danny Steinmann's maligned fifth chapter is a scuzzy trash gem.
A new game lets you enjoy new Jason kill scenes without having to wait for a "perfect script".
The decade long journey to make Freddy vs. Jason is detailed in a new book.
The new Friday the 13th film has been wrapped up in a sleeping bag and slammed into a tree.
In which Jacob Knight writes something like a love letter to FRIDAY THE 13th's memorable murder mama.
It's your very own Voorhees simulator.
An untold piece of Voorhees history will be seen.
BC has long hoped for new Jason and Michael adventures... but he's ready to move on.