Say Something Nice: POWER RANGERS
Its designs are ugly and its fights a clash of pixels, but POWER RANGERS’ title characters are darn likable.
Its designs are ugly and its fights a clash of pixels, but POWER RANGERS’ title characters are darn likable.
Christopher Reeve’s Superman exits the screen with a message for all mankind.
This chase sequence is not an obsolete design.
All about Captain Nemo.
Hammer, sickle, and rocket launcher wielding zombies.
Jason Clarke is an excellent John Connor in a wet blanket of a movie.
Y'all ever notice that Rhodey has a really weird and wonderful line read?
A motley cast turns this aimless melodrama into a cinematic gem.
A look at the “good gorilla” who redeems an otherwise flawed film adaptation.
Wait, wait - hear us out.
James Cameron’s directing remains chef-kiss good in the mo-cap world.
Five minutes reinvigorate a monstrous mess that not even the BFG 9000 could otherwise save us from.