Edgar Wright’s LAST NIGHT IN SOHO Will Now Hit Theaters In April

We imagine it'll be worth the wait.

By and large, we don't plan on covering many "Movie that was supposed to open on X date is now opening on Y date because of COVID-19" stories in the months ahead. You don't want to read fifteen-hundred variations on that story any more than we want to write fifteen-hundred variations on that story. But when it comes to movies we're really, really excited about - Edgar Wright's LAST NIGHT IN SOHO, for instance - we're gonna make exceptions. 

Which brings us to today, and Edgar Wright's Twitter feed:

That's Wright announcing LAST NIGHT IN SOHO's new release date, which - as you can see - has been bumped from later this year until April of next year. April 23rd, to be exact. Will things be back to normal by then? Well, that's anyone's guess, but it's certainly more likely than things being completely back to normal by September, when LAST NIGHT IN SOHO was originally supposed to arrive (Team BMD had been secretly banking on it as a Fantastic Fest title, back when film festivals were still a thing we could look forward to).

What's LAST NIGHT IN SOHO about? Back in October, Empire Magazine revealed that the film "takes place in the London of the Swinging Sixties; a time period with which his lead character, Thomasin McKenzie’s Eloise, is obsessed and, through a mysterious connection with [Anna] Taylor-Joy’s character, gets to experience.” We also know it's a psychological thriller, and that Matt Smith stars in addition to Taylor-Joy and McKenzie. But, really, it's a new Edgar Wright movie. We don't need to know much to be onboard.

Nothing further to report at this time, but do stay tuned for further updates on LAST NIGHT IN SOHO as they become available. We'll see you (fingers crossed) at the theater next April. 
