BLACKFISH Trailer: Do Not Fuck With Whales

This one's going to be rough.

The widely accepted notion that killer whales are cute and cuddly creatures has always been fundamentally bizarre. It's right there in their name and their sleek and malicious faces.  If you've ever seen the way they take care of business in the wild, it's hard to look at them and see any kindness at all.

Blackfish is an upcoming documentary that looks at one killer whale in particular, Sea World's Tilikum, who one day drowned his Sea World trainer, Dawn Brancheau. This was actually the third human death linked to Tilikum.

Judging from this trailer, it looks like Blackfish sets out to make the case that putting such lethal and intelligent creatures into captivity tortures them to the point of psychosis. Such a notion should carry with it a bit of obviousness, but we're often not that bright when it comes to the plight of other creatures. Even gigantic ones that look like nightmares.

This documentary has the potential to truly fascinate, as it's about a subject of great interest that most of us probably don't know that much about. It also seems horrifying for various reasons. As a result, I'm both excited and apprehensive about seeing it when it opens July 19.
