FLETCH WON Wins Jason Sudeikis

Evan only cares about the theme music.

Fletch Won has been an almost movie for many years. Kevin Smith was going to do it at one point. So however you feel about this news piece, know that it could have been worse.

Jason Sudeikis, extremely normal funny guy, is in talks to play Mr. Fletch in Fletch Won, which is expected to spawn a new Fletch franchise to rival Chevy Chase's one and a half goes at the character.

The big draw here is not so much Sudeikis as the film's prospective tone as a "gritty action comedy" that will follow the original Gregory McDonald book series more than the Fletch we're already familiar with. I haven't actually read those books, but I like the idea that this might be more complicated than a movie where a smartass puts on a bunch of different costumes. Not that I don't like the original Fletch; I'm just glad they're not trying to repeat it. Also, I'm not big on the original Fletch.

Producers Steve Golin, Michael Sugar, and David List are still looking for a director. So maybe Kevin Smith still has a chance at this after all.
