IN THE HEART OF THE SEA Gets A Manly New Poster

A bunch of dudes, chasing that whale tail.

Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea is a movie I am dying to watch, even though it’s likely to scare the shit out of me. The story of the Essex, a whaling ship that got totally fucked up by an angry whale of almost unbelievable size, In the Heart of the Sea focuses on something I find equally fascinating and terrifying: giant marine life.

And now we have a new UK poster:

It’s not as visually arresting as the film’s first poster, but it still gives me chills. Just the idea of those people bobbing in the water as a gigantic whale swims around beneath them is enough for me to forgive the poster’s largely typical feel.

As you can see from the poster itself, In the Heart of the Sea stars Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Ben Whishaw, and Brendan Gleeson. It comes out Boxing Day.
