The BMD CIVIL WAR Issue Is Going To Print

But we've ordered a couple extra copies for you stragglers.

The special Captain America: Civil War issue of BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. has gone to print. We have sent off the pages and we have counted up all the pre-orders and we are ready to let the machines roll and the postage go out. If you ordered your copy already - you're set! They'll be shipping in a week or so. I'll keep you updated. 

If you didn't order your copy yet... don't fret. We learned from the Star Wars issue that there are stragglers out there who don't get in on the pre-order period, so we've ordered a few extra copies. Not a ton, because we don't want to get stuck with a lot of stock, but we do have a couple on hand. I suspect that as the buzz for Civil War builds so will your interest in buying this magazine, which honestly (and I'm not just saying this because I'm the EIC) is jam-packed with great stuff, including that mash-up art above. Check out these spreads: 

You can still buy a copy from our strategic reserve while supplies last. Click here to order now before they're all gone!

PS: we are working on bringing down shipping costs for the next issue, and we are working on other methods of distribution. We want to make it as easy for you to get a copy of this magazine as possible, as we're incredibly proud of each issue.
