The CIVIL WAR Issue Of BMD Is Shipping Now!

And we have 150 copies left. Last chance.

The picture above comes to us from Austin, Texas, where Mondo is busily shipping out copies of the Captain America: Civil War issue of BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. magazine. If you placed an order already your copy will soon be in the mail, if it hasn't already left (you may have received a shipping notice). 

If you haven't ordered, good news: we slightly over-printed this issue with the knowledge that there would be a couple of latecomers who would be moved by all the rapturous reviews for Civil War. And when I say slightly I mean we have 150 copies remaining. We have sold out completely of the Star Wars and Batman v Superman magazines, and I believe Civil War will follow suit in the next few days, if not hours. If you've been on the fence about buying this, now is the chance to decide. We will not be printing any of these articles online. They will only exist in print. 

That's right: BMD magazine is PRINT ONLY. There will not be a digital edition. There will not be articles republished on the site. This stuff - the words and the art - exists only on the printed page. And we only have 150 more of them to sell you. 

So click here right now and secure your copy. They'll probably all be gone very soon - don't dilly dally.
