Here’s Your First Look At Sofia Coppola’s THE BEGUILED

Sofia Coppola's remake is shaping up nicely.

Thanks to EW, we now have our first look at Sofia Coppola's The Beguiled, starring Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst and Colin Farrell (this one's based on the 1966 Thomas Cullinan novel of the same name, and was previously made into a Clint Eastwood joint back in 1971 ... which I suppose makes this both a new adaptation and a remake?).

It's looking pretty good!

And here's a shot of Coppola with her mostly-female cast:

If you're unfamiliar with The Beguiled, I strongly suggest that you head over to this post, where our own Phil Nobile Jr. does a fine job explaining what this is and why we oughtta be excited about it. Given the subject matter, the cast and the fact that Coppola's in the director's chair, this one seems like it's got good odds of being something special. This quote is particularly encouraging:

“I haven’t really done a genre film,” Coppola says. “It was fun to figure out how to approach that but still (keep the film) in my style, and to have this kind of beautiful, dreamy world that I like — but with a plot!”

Word on the street is, we're going to be seeing a trailer for this one very soon, possibly later tonight. Stand by for that, folks!  
