Ready Or Not, Here Comes A Drama About The 2016 Election

From the makers of ZERO DARK THIRTY comes TOO SOON: THE MOVIE.

According to a new report over at Deadline, Zero Dark Thirty's Mark Boal and uber-producer Megan Ellison are joining forces for a new, untitled political drama which will cover the events of the 2016 presidential election, an event many of us have all but forgotten mere months after living through it. 

Here's the news:

Filmmaker Mark Boal and producer Megan Ellison, already frequent collaborators, are planning to tackle the 2016 presidential election in what they are describing as a “political drama” of between eight and 10 hours. The two said they don’t have a broadcast partner as yet, but their plan is to develop the series through Boal’s Page 1 company, in which Ellison is a partner.

Real talk? Boal and Ellison are talented folks, and their plan to wrangle together "a group of investigative journalists in New York and Washington D.C. as contributors to the project" strikes me as a smart move, but I cannot imagine wanting to sit through an eight to ten hour, semi-fictionalized rehashing of one of the most upsetting experiences of my adult life. This isn't to say that the series won't be worthy, or well-made, or even entertaining. All's I'm saying is, I don't know that I'm ready for that yet. I mean, shit, we're only a month into Trump's actual presidency

The Birth.Movies.Death. staff is not entirely in agreement on this one, so we're curious where you guys land: you ready for a 2016 Election series? Or would you prefer to put some distance between you and that event before having it fed back to you as entertainment? Sound off in the comments below.

(Header photo used with permission via Wikimedia Commons)
