Ridley Scott And David Lowery To Produce Occult Sex Magick Series

Where do we sign up?

It takes a lot to get this writer excited for a new TV series. It’s not that I don’t enjoy television; more like it’s difficult to find time in one’s schedule for a 12-hour piece of entertainment when you’re trying to cram four to five hundred movies into a calendar year. If we’re talking a Sophie’s Choice of mediums, I’m always going to pick a new motion picture over the latest pilot hitting Netflix.

That said, when Ridley Scott decides to produce a project alongside David Lowery (who’s also said to be stepping behind the camera), you can sign me up for whatever the hell comes of that collaboration. Toss in this bonkers logline, and now I’m counting the days until it airs:

Strange Angel is a drama series created by Mark Heyman and based on George Pendle’s book of the same name. It explores the real life of Jack Parsons (pictured above), a man in 1940s Los Angeles who helped pioneer the field of American rocketry, and by night is a performer of sex magick rituals and a disciple to occultist Aleister Crowley.

The series was just ordered by CBS All Access – the network’s subscription streaming service, which officially kicks off its original programming on September 24th with Star Trek: Discovery. No details on when Strange Angel is set to hit, but we’ll definitely keep you up to date with any developments regarding this fascinating project. In the meantime, go see Lowery’s A Ghost Story, which is easily one of the most challenging and emotional cinematic experiences of 2017.
