Announcing The Fantastic Fest 2017 Bumper Contest!

It's a creature feature.

To celebrate Mondo’s crazily anticipated release – alongside Project Raygun - of The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 board game, and as a love letter to the outstanding and lasting creature effects of John Carpenter’s The Thing, this year’s bumper contest is a CREATURE FEATURE! And the best bumper creators will win a pair of uber-coveted VIP badges to Fantastic Fest 2018 as well as a copy of The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31.

Each year we host a bumper contest where we invite writers, actors and filmmakers all over the world to collaborate on the most outrageous and entertaining under-30-second video imaginable. We use as many entries as we can and wind up playing dozens of bumpers that range from the demented to the hilarious to the… well, strange.

However, we’ve got a theme and a few ground rules.


This year’s theme is CREATURE FEATURE, inspired by Rob Bottin’s breathtaking creature effects in The Thing. Practical monsters, prosthetic beasts, creature suits, puppets and even animatronics will rule the day. Keep your CGI blood and your post-production animation – we want creatures you can touch, poke and prod!


Your video must be 30 seconds or under. (We will include a 5-second logo bumper to your video after you submit.)

The story’s up to you – you can adapt a scene or write an original. As long as there’s a practical creature in your bumper, you’re good!

In keeping with FF bumper tradition, the video must end with the line “That’s fantastic!” either in dialogue or narration.

All film entries must be submitted by noon CST on Wednesday, September 6th to be eligible. Entries received after that may still be used on-screen during the fest, but will be ineligible for the grand prize. Submit and read more about the terms and conditions HERE. 

Bumpers will be posted – all at once – by 5pm on Thursday, September 7th, at for voting purposes. 

Entrant must not upload his or her film to any other public site until the contest has wrapped.


A jury of Alamo creative team members will select two bumper finalists, and online viewers of entries will select a third and final finalist by audience vote at Voting will begin September 7. The grand prize winner will be selected during Fantastic Fest, and the winner will receive two VIP badges to Fantastic Fest 2018, as well as a copy of The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 board game.

The best of the 2017 Fantastic Fest bumper videos selected by our programming committee will be screened in front of an unsuspecting audience during Fantastic Fest 2017. Each of those audiences will include visiting filmmakers from around the world, press from the likes of Birth.Movies.Death, IFC, ScreenCrush, TwitchFilm, LA Times, SlashFilm, Film Threat, Ain’t It Cool News, Variety, Vulture, USA Today and more, plus a legion of the most devoted, intelligent, fun-loving genre film fans on the planet.

