Under Pressure: Bryan Singer Fired From BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY

You could say the director was Mr. Fahrenheit, but now he's iced.

Well, well, well, Bryan Singer, it looks like you did crack...under pressure. 

While Singer's behavior had reportedly become erratic on the set of his Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody, it sounds like 20th Century Fox has had enough. According to The Hollywood Reporter, a representative has stated that Singer is no longer at the helm, after not returning to set following the Thanksgiving break. Production on the picture was set to start back up on December 1st, but due to an escalating beef between the director and star Rami Malek (who's playing Freddie Mercury), Singer has still not returned to the movie, claiming "post-traumatic stress" due to the incidents with the actor. 

The confrontations between Singer and Malek are said to have never become "physical", but the director did throw "an object" (chair? mic stand? glitter?) at his front man at one point. Singer had been warned by the studio before production began that they wouldn't tolerate any unprofessional behavior on his part - Singer's reputation precedes him, and he'd apparently gone MIA on two other sets prior to this one. A rep from the Directors Guild of America also arrived on set to monitor the situation, recently, and Director of Photography Thomas Newton Sigel even stepped in and manned the shoot for a few days during Singer's disappearance. 

Much like Solo - which was nearing the end of its shoot when Lord & Miller parted ways with Disney - Bohemian Rhapsody only had roughly two weeks before wrapping principal photography. Fox says they're going to be announcing a replacement very soon. I wonder if Ron Howard's got some free time on his schedule? 
