About Those Incredibly Annoying Pop-Up Ads You’ve Seen On BMD Recently

We hear you, and we're fighting back.

Dear Birth.Movies.Death. Readers,

Over the past few weeks, we've received a number of complaints from our mobile readers regarding unavoidable pop-up ads. We've noticed these ads, too, and have spent more time than you'd believe working with our ad network to get them under control. I won't bore you with the specifics, but the bottom line is this: at present, we haven't figured out a way to prevent these profoundly annoying ads from ruining your experience on BMD.

As such, we've turned off all mobile ads until the ad(s) and advertiser(s) causing the problem have been identified and blocked.

Mobile readers account for a huge portion of our audience, and we value each and every one of you. Of course we want mobile ads that work, because ads are how we keep the lights on, but we care a lot more about keeping you folks informed and entertained. 

Anyhoo, we're very sorry about the inconvenience this has caused, and we look forward to sorting this out. For the immediate present, please enjoy browsing a mobile ad-free Birth.Movies.Death. on your phones, tablets, iWatches, fidget spinners and whatever else you kooky kids are using these days.


Scott Wampler,

News Editor, Birth.Movies.Death.
