This Just In: Robert Zemeckis Looking To Reteam With Tom Hanks On NEWS OF THE WORLD

It's a FORREST GUMP and CAST AWAY reunion!

Forrest Gump is a weirdly controversial Best Picture winner. While folks loved it upon initial release, it's become one of those movies that's been re-evaluated over time, resulting in many labeling it with the dreaded "problematic" designation, and others simply scoffing at its saccharine tone. Personally, I always wanted to know what genetic malfunction allowed his kid to see ghosts in Philly. 

For many, Cast Away worked in the opposite direction; a motion picture whose critical estimation has only grown throughout the years, as Hanks' one man performance is one of the strangest (not to mention best) turns in his rather storied Nuevo Jimmy Stewart career. 

Now, the director of both those hits - Back to the Future mastermind Robert Zemeckis - is looking to reunite with Hanks for News of the World. Roger Friedman at Showbiz411 is reporting that Hanks is "circling (and may have signed)" the strange-sounding period piece from screenwriter Luke Davies (Lion). According to 411, the plot revolves around:

"...a late 1870s sort of town crier who goes from Western locale to locale spreading news of the passing of the 15th amendment (voting rights– as it was then, for men only, but of all colors and races). Woven into this story, his character is transporting a 10 year-old girl to her aunt and uncle after her parents are killed by American Indians."

Oh man, I can already smell the think-pieces cooking based on that synopsis alone. There's no other info on the Fox 2000 title as of yet, but if Hanks actually ends up joining Zemeckis on this Western quest, you can bet we'll follow it closely, as that'd be a pretty iconic reunion. 

In the meantime, make sure to check out Hanks in Spielberg's The Post, as I've watched it a bunch of times since the movie hit Blu-ray, and just love his gruff, gravel-throated take on Ben Bradlee (though I'm still not sure he's as good as Jason Robards). 
