You Really Need To See Celine Dion’s DEADPOOL 2 Music Video

Good lord.

Look, we all know that Deadpool isn't for all tastes. Some people are on the same wavelength as this weird, proudly immature, hilariously ultraviolent franchise; others hate things that are fun, apparently. That's fine. Not everything's gonna be for everyone.

But even if you don't love Deadpool, you've gotta admit: this franchise is 2-for-2 when it comes to having the best marketing in the business.

Our latest reminder of this inarguable fact comes with the release of a brand-new music video from...Celine Dion. 

Apparently, "Ashes" is a song from the Deadpool 2 soundtrack. That Celine Dion would even be on the Deadpool 2 soundtrack is a great joke; that they went the extra mile and actually produced an entire music video featuring the five-time Grammy Award-winner on a stage with Deadpool (that's probably not actually Ryan Reynolds performing that dance routine, but just go along with it) is something else entirely. It is, in fact, a joke worthy of this still-blossoming franchise's history. Well done.

We love this. We love Deadpool. And we can't wait to see Deadpool 2 when it opens on May 18th.

Stay tuned for more in the days ahead. We're confident there's much more in store for us.
