New DARK PHOENIX Trailer Takes A Trip Down Mutant Memory Lane

Hey, remember all those OTHER X-Men movies?

It's hard to believe, but Dark Phoenix is almost here.

We've been covering the rollout for this movie since April of 2017, but now - after extensive reshoots, no small amount of rumormongering and a sometimes baffling marketing campaign - Simon Kinberg's movie is finally upon us. It's a big moment for the X-Men franchise (which is coming to its ostensible end with Dark Phoenix) and a big moment for fans (who are dying to find out if this series will stick the landing), so it's only appropriate that the people behind the film are looking back at all the movies that brought us to this point. 

That's the angle on this newly-released Dark Phoenix trailer, which spends a good chunk of its runtime walking you through a number of memorable X-Men moments.

Will Dark Phoenix bring this franchise to a rousing conclusion? Will it completely shit the bed? There's no telling, but we'll find out soon enough: Simon Kinberg's Dark Phoenix hits theaters on June 7th, and we'll be there opening day. How about y'all?
