LEGENDS OF TOMORROW 4.15 Review “Terms of Service”
Gary, you dick!
Gary, you dick!
Cognitive recalibration. She hit them really hard in the head.
Damnit, Gary!
For the first time she’s thinkin’ past tomorrow!
More shows with men saying “I love you” platonically, 2019!
Booyaka, booyaka! 619!
Give us an episode of Mick and Ava being pissed at each other, please.
Constantine's no costume rule lasts for... *checks watch* 4 episodes.
Nate and Ray are Bronies.
Sorry Mick, the secret of you being a decent dude is out.
A little thing like cancellation can't keep this exorcist down for long.
A career retrospective to make you say "whoa."