It'll take a full moon cycle to go through all of the bonus features on Arrow's new release.
It'll take a full moon cycle to go through all of the bonus features on Arrow's new release.
John Cleese, too. And obviously John Carpenter. Bet VIRUS director John Bruno feels pretty dumb now.
In which an old rumor resurfaces.
Once upon a time, all the “Masters Of Horror” felt obligated to make a vampire movie. Why are so few of them any good?
The scattershot, take-no-prisoners gagfest from the makers of AIRPLANE!.
“That’s how it COULD have happened… But here’s what REALLY happened.”
Peek into an alternate reality where ANIMAL HOUSE was an all-star SNL film.
It's TRADING PLACES' 30th anniversary this week, so let's take a good look at it.
British film mag Empire brings Chevy, Steve and Martin together again two decades later.
John Landis, star of BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, provides commentary on the movie’s trailer. And we have it a day early for you!