New KNIGHT RIDER Gets A Knight Writer

The Weinsteins finally jump into the prestige movie business.

The Weinstein Company wants to get into the talking car business thanks to a practical joker who told them the Fast and Furious films were all about talking cars. So now there is going to be a Knight Rider movie.

For those who don't know, Knight Rider was a television show starring David Hasselhoff as a guy who solved crimes and stuff in his own high-tech speaking vehicle who acted not only as a form of transportation but as a best friend as well. NBC already rebooted the series once in 2008, but that effort only lasted one season.

The film is still in its infant stage at this point, but a writer has been hired. Brad Copeland, a writer whose Wild Hogs and Arrested Development credentials are so varied as to only cause confusion, will script the film, which is being envisioned as big budget action movie rather than the kind of Oscar hungry drama the Weinsteins are normally associated with. That does not necessarily mean there won't be a Knight Rider Oscar campaign when the time comes, however. So be ready for that.
