Buyer Beware: This Brazilian HALLOWEEN Trailer Is Super Spoilery

"One monster has created another."

We've already been gifted one stellar Halloween trailer today (which gave this writer serious Halloween II vibes), but now - thanks to the folks running the Twitter handle "Halloween Obsessed" - we've been pointed in the direction of a Brazilian spot that contains a ton of new footage we hadn't seen until now. However, we've gotta slap a big fat *SPOILER* warning on it, as the near-two-and-a-half minute tease basically lays out the plot of the whole dang movie. 

This South American advert (which is in English, with subtitles) focuses heavily on Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) and how the trauma inflicted on her by Michael Myers' attack 40 years ago has transformed her into a sort of Sarah Conner-esque survivalist. For those showing up to David Gordon Green and Danny McBride's Halloween looking to revisit their favorite babysitter, that young woman seems to have been lost to the seas of time and ensuing PTSD. 

Take a look here: 

While I definitely didn't need the whole picture spelled out for me, this tease is selling a sequel I really want to see. Thankfully, we've only got two weeks until Fantastic Fest, where Jamie Lee will be showing up to talk about the film herself. You can bet your slasher-loving asses that we're going to be asking plenty of questions regarding Laurie's wild metamorphosis into this sequel's version of Donald Pleasence's sadly departed Dr. Loomis. 

For the rest of yinz, Halloween opens October 19th.  
