The IMAX Poster For SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Maintains Eyesore Tradition

They're back at it again with the IMAX poster hijinks.

Earlier this morning, Sony released a brand-new poster for Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. We looked upon it, saw that it was good, and championed the marketing team behind said one-sheet for really putting in the effort and delivering something worthy of Quentin Tarantino's latest film. 

Meanwhile, over at Marvel/IMAX...

This, as you can see, is the IMAX poster for Jon Watts' Spider-Man: Far From Home. It is, of course, reminiscent of the IMAX poster released in support of 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming, which is to say: they're clearly going for A Thing here (that thing being "a homemade poster, probably assembled by a high school-age kid who loves Spider-Man"), and we can respect the fact that they're trying to do A Thing. That said, the Thing they're doing hasn't been executed very well here - the gag (as it were) is far less obvious in the Far From Home poster than the Homecoming one. Indeed, this one looks halfway finished. Please look at it for as long as you'd like, and then move on with your day.

While we're on this topic, though, here's a question for the crowd: if they maintain the naming convention established in Homecoming and Far From Home, what will the title of the next Spider-Man movie be? "Home" must be in there somewhere, right? Hit us with your best guesses in the comments below, and do stay tuned for more on Spider-Man: Far From Home as we draw ever closer to the film's arrival in theaters on July 2nd.
