Say Something Nice: SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR
There’s a brief, beautiful, bleak moment in the midst of all the dour nonsense.
There’s a brief, beautiful, bleak moment in the midst of all the dour nonsense.
Devin and Evan welcome Sam Zimmerman and are dismayed by ROCKY IV.
Viewing SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR pretty much demands a reevaluation of 2005's SIN CITY. How does it hold up?
How bad does a sequel have to be to make the original look like a masterpiece?
Yup, looks like SIN CITY.
Maybe a hint of excitement exists for this after all.
This smells like a set-up.
No, this movie did not already come out.
It looks exactly like it was going to look.
This time with a lotta Liotta.