James Cameron Says He’s Done Writing All Four AVATAR Sequels
Get ready for more AVATAR sequels than you can shake a Tree of Souls at.
Get ready for more AVATAR sequels than you can shake a Tree of Souls at.
Alternate headline: AVATARs 2-9 to just be real life, somehow.
Only wimps just make quadrilogies.
One a year beginning XMas 2017.
Everyone and their mother-tree watched this movie. Why does nobody talk about it?
The actress explains why she gravitates to scifi roles.
Almost-crisis averted.
James Cameron reveals that Colonel Quaritch will be the Big Bad in AVATARs 2-4.
The biggest movie of all time to become a quadrilogy.
The world waits with a mild disinterest.
James Cameron to take AVATAR down the STAR WARS road.
AVATAR has finally been vanquished at the Alamo box office.